Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday, August 31, 2015

Dreamweaver Quiz 7

Click here for Dreamweaver Tutorial 7

1.  What is the name of the finished site that he created as a sample.
Manchester Design Studio.
2.  What is the First step to organizing a web site?
Sketch out Site layout, Gather resources (text, images, tables, etc.)
3.  Follow the directions to create a new site.  Make it exactly like he does with the same folder names.  Add all folders and pages exactly as he does.  
4.  Mr. Larsen will come by to check your folder to give you credit for Tutorial 7 so be ready to show him the folder. 

Friday, August 28, 2015

Dreamweaver Quiz 6

Click here for Dreamweaver Tutorial 6

1.  What is the tag you use to insert an image on your page?
<img src="image.example">
2.  What is the attribute that you have to add to your tag to direct the browser? 
3.  How is an image tag different from a <p> tag or <h>  tag?
We won't be putting any kind of a closing tag on an image tag.
4.  Where do you put the image tag if you want to have an image as a link? 
You put the image tag where the text would normally go.
5.  Practice adding images on your page.  

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Dreamweaver Quiz 5

Click here for Dreamweaver Tutorial 5

1.  What were hyperlinks or "links" originally called?
2.  What tag do you use when creating a hyperlink? 
<a> tag.
3.  What do you have to include in your "a" tag to make it a hyperlink?  
You need to include an attribute in your "a" tag.
4.   Do you have an "About", "Contact" and "Welcome" page?  If not, create them now and include a small amount of information about yourself on your "About" page.  Include an address and phone number on the "Contact" page (it can be fake).
5.  Create a new folder and a "Products" page.  
6.  If you create a new folder and want to link to a page in the folder, what would the code include that isn't in the code for the first links he shows you? 
The file name and a slash.
7.  Can you use the "Browse" option when you are trying to link to pages that are on the internet?
No because the page we are looking for is not in our website.
8.  Include a hyperlink to the DVHS homepage on your Welcome page or Index. 
9.  If you want to open a new tab when you click on a link what code do you include? 
<a target=
10.  Go to the "Media Productions Share" folder (on the desktop).  Copy the PDF file called "technical-standards-web-page-dev..."  to your desktop.  Then move it into your folder for your website. Use this page to follow along with his instructions. 
11.  Reflection: Why would you want to have some links lead to a new tab?  
If your webpage includes any links to other websites, you can add them in that way.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Dreamweaver Quiz 4

1.  What are the 4 types of tags that are covered in this tutorial?
HTML tag, Head tag, body tag and DIV tag.
2.  Every HTML document begins with what? 
A doctype statement. <!DOCTYPE HTML>
3.  What is the first and last tag in your document? 
<!doctype html> and </html>.
4.  Anytime you write code to tell your web browser something it goes where? 
Into the head section.
5.  Where does your content go for the webpage? 
The body section.
6.  How do you maintain the readability of the code? 
7.  What is another way to type the code below that wouldn't change the function on a browser but would change how it looks in the code view?
<head> <title>Put your content here</title></head> He states that it would be perfectly valid for me to have written my code like this.
8.  If you want to change the name of the browser tab where do you change the code? 
Revise it within the title tag.
9.  How does Google decide what shows up in the search engine?
The text that's in your title tag is what will show up in a search engine.
10.  What tag do you use to divide a page? 
<div> and </div>.
11.  Make sure you have content for your page.  It should look similar to the content on the tutorial.  If you don't have content use his page to type out your content now. 
12.  What is the shortcut key for opening your page in a browser? (he doesn't say it but you can find it by looking for the shortcut when he opens his "view in browser" button)
13.  Did you name your divisions?  If not, do it now.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Dreamweaver Quiz 3

Click here for Tutorial 3

1.   He compares a webpage to a _office____.
2.  What is the language that websites are written in?
      CSS. Plain English.
3.  What are the titles of the four aspects of every webpage?
      Structure HTML, Presentation CSS, Content Text/Images, Action JavaScript/PHP.
4.  What are the three main steps to starting a web page?
     Content, Appearance, Action
5.  What does HTML stand for?  (You'll need to look this up online)
     Hypertext Markup Language, a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages.
6.  What are the two tags used in HTML?
      There are multiple tags used in HTML.
7.  What does  <p> stand for?  (What is it called?)
8.  What does a slash (For Example : <p/>)  mean?
      It closes the tag.
9.  What does the <h> mean in Dreamweaver?
10.  Does HTML recognize extra lines in the code view?
11.  What does the asterix ( * ) mean on the tab at the top of your page?
       It means it is not currently saved.
12.  Do you have to use a closing tag with the <br>?
13.  What does <li> stand for? 
14.  How do you change from an unordered or bulleted list to an ordered or numbered list?
        Instead of using the tag <ul>, use <ol> for Ordered List.
15.  Does HTML recognize tabs? 

Monday Blog

What happened in the world over the weekend?  Find 2 interesting stories from a news source of your choice and write a 4 sentence summary on each.  Post them on your blog as a single post. 

Refugees Now Allowed To Cross Into Macedonia From Greece 


Macedonia re-opened their border due to a state of emergency. One Syrian family were interviewed by PBS, in all of the chaos of Police throwing tear gas in order to keep refugees away from the border line as it was re-closed soon after being opened. Grenades and guns were also used to keep people out. Refugees are starting riots outside of the border in order to be let in.

Shoreham plane crash: seven dead after fighter jet hits cars during airshow

Seven people were killed and one of the pilots is currently fighting for his life in the hospital after plane crashed on a busy A-road on Saturday afternoon. 14 other passengers were injured mildly. Unconfirmed reports state 2 cyclists were also killed in the crash. One witness saw two cars on fire. There was a lot of smoke after the crash took place.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Dreamweaver Quiz 2

Click here for Tutorial 2

1.  What is the site folder also called? 
Root folder
2.  When you select the "folder" icon in Adobe products, where will it take you?
It will bring you into an open dialogue box.
3.  Did you create a new site?  If not, do so now.  Be able to show it to Mr. L.
4.  How do you create a new folder inside the site folder?
I right-clicked the folder "My First Website" and selected New Folder.
5.  How do you sort the folders in your site? 
By clicking "Local Files" on the top.
6.  What are the two basic types of files we'll be working with in Dreamweaver? 
HTML files and CSS files
7.  What is the way your browser knows to open the first page in your website? 
Because the first page inside of your website is gonna be called "index.html".
8.  When you name a page what is the default that Dreamweaver uses? 
9.  Did you create a "Styles" page?  Do so now and be able to show it to Mr. L. 
10. What should you never do with files in Dreamweaver? 
You should never create or move files in Dreamweaver manually.

Dreamweaver Quiz 1

Click here for Tutorial 1

1.  How do you collapse a tab?
By double clicking the tab.
2.  How do you open a panel that you can't find on your screen?
By going to the Window option
3.  How do you change your panel view so you can only see the categories of the panels (fully collapsed)?
By clicking the arrow on the far right on the top of the Panels bar.
4.  What is the name of the tab that appears when he opens the first of his sample pages?
5.  How do you close all the open documents at once?
Close tab group
6.  What are the two basic views in Dreamweaver?
Code and design view
7.  What is split view used for?
Using two windows at once, code on one side and layout/view on the other side.
8.  What view will we use most of the time?
Code view.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

4.1 Use professional etiquette for web-, email-, and social-media-based communications 
2.2 Determine safe working practices and preventive measures common in the IT environment (e.g., ergonomics and repetitive strain injuries, electrical hazards, good housekeeping to prevent buildup of dust) 
19.1 Explain the need for understanding a target audience in order to create appropriate marketing strategies for a successful website 
8.3 Identify the proper configuration for client email including client setup parameters (username and password), protocols and port numbers, and security issues 
9.2 Explain the steps necessary to post content to a server, including authentication information, the server host or IP address, and the destination directory  Reflection: What did we do in class Monday and Tuesday? Mention what we did to accomplish state standard 4.1

 On Monday Mr. Larsen went over the syllabus with us briefly, and then explained the general rules and regulations. He then had us stand up individually and introduce ourselves and tell everyone what our favorite animal is.
 After that procedure we all got up as a class and walked around, introducing ourselves and shaking hands with people we haven't met.

 On Tuesday we all got to create our own blogs and websites. Using G-mail we signed up with our personal g-mail accounts and were able to make a brand new blog just using that.
We also got to customize our backgrounds, templates and etc. We then had to create our first blog post and add in ten things we would like to do with our blogs.

Future Plans:
 3.3 Identify issues and trends affecting computers, other devices, the Internet, and information privacy
 1.3 Develop concept diagrams (e.g., mind map, flowchart, site map, timeline)
 5.1 Identify the components and functions of the Internet (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, IP addresses, IMAP)
 5.2 Examine how the Internet evolved and its impact on the world
 7.3 Identify performance issues (e.g., bandwidth, Internet connection types, pages loading slowly, resolution and size graphics)
 8.2 Identify key components and functions of Internet browsers, including specialty browsers
 8.5 Analyze remote computing tools and services and explain their proper application

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Ideas For Class

I took this course last year and absolutely enjoyed it. I learned how to code, I learned different web techniques and also got a better understanding of web development and design. 
I would like to:
  • Know how to code and develop a generic "home" page
  • Better my skills in coding
  • Learn more about the background of web development 
  • Continue in Codeacademy
  •  Fun little challenges/quiz races 
  • Projects
  • Studying coding
  •  Microsoft Word assignments
  • Powerpoint assignments
  • Have fun in this class and get to learn more this year