Wednesday, August 12, 2015

4.1 Use professional etiquette for web-, email-, and social-media-based communications 
2.2 Determine safe working practices and preventive measures common in the IT environment (e.g., ergonomics and repetitive strain injuries, electrical hazards, good housekeeping to prevent buildup of dust) 
19.1 Explain the need for understanding a target audience in order to create appropriate marketing strategies for a successful website 
8.3 Identify the proper configuration for client email including client setup parameters (username and password), protocols and port numbers, and security issues 
9.2 Explain the steps necessary to post content to a server, including authentication information, the server host or IP address, and the destination directory  Reflection: What did we do in class Monday and Tuesday? Mention what we did to accomplish state standard 4.1

 On Monday Mr. Larsen went over the syllabus with us briefly, and then explained the general rules and regulations. He then had us stand up individually and introduce ourselves and tell everyone what our favorite animal is.
 After that procedure we all got up as a class and walked around, introducing ourselves and shaking hands with people we haven't met.

 On Tuesday we all got to create our own blogs and websites. Using G-mail we signed up with our personal g-mail accounts and were able to make a brand new blog just using that.
We also got to customize our backgrounds, templates and etc. We then had to create our first blog post and add in ten things we would like to do with our blogs.

Future Plans:
 3.3 Identify issues and trends affecting computers, other devices, the Internet, and information privacy
 1.3 Develop concept diagrams (e.g., mind map, flowchart, site map, timeline)
 5.1 Identify the components and functions of the Internet (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, IP addresses, IMAP)
 5.2 Examine how the Internet evolved and its impact on the world
 7.3 Identify performance issues (e.g., bandwidth, Internet connection types, pages loading slowly, resolution and size graphics)
 8.2 Identify key components and functions of Internet browsers, including specialty browsers
 8.5 Analyze remote computing tools and services and explain their proper application

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