Friday, March 11, 2016

How to fix a broken school? Lead fearlessly, love hard. TED Talk: Friday

Linda Cliatt-Wayman:
How to fix a broken school? Lead fearlessly, love hard
Linda talks about the first time she had walked into a high school as principal and a huge fight broke out among two girls. After things were under control, she immediately called a meeting to introduce herself to the school as the new principal. She made sure and listed her expectations for their behavior and what they would learn in school. She felt the school was low-performing and dangerous. Upon entering her third year as principal, she realized how old the school building was. She noticed classrooms were nearly empty. Students were scared.
Her slogans are “If you are going to lead, LEAD.” She reset every lock combination, fixed the lightbulbs, put up colorful and bright positives messages on the walls, and removed the chains from the doors. They rebuilt the schedule times to add honor classes and elective activities. They devised a school wide disciplinary system.

What did the student Ashley say in the auditorium?
What did Linda see upon her first arrival at the school?
How long was Strawberry Mansion on the dangerous school list?
How many years as principal did Linda serve until major changes were done to the school?
Why was there chains on the door?
What’s one of Linda’s famous slogans?
Was Strawberry Mansion removed off the list?
Why did the teachers feel scared?
What sort of laws were broken within school boundaries?

What was put up on the walls of the school to promote positivity? 

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